Jobs received
employees helped
current employees
There are no fees for the employment search, but there may be a fee for the pre-employment screening depending upon the requirement per assignment.
A wide variety! Ranging from administrative jobs to commercial and industrial jobs to professional, Supplemental Staffing places many types of jobs at all levels. Available jobs will vary from one location to the next, so contact your local Supplemental Staffing representative to learn about open positions. Supplemental Staffing does not staff medical personal.
No. Supplemental Staffing does not staff doctors, nurses, hospice workers, emergency medical technicians or any other medical personnel.
Supplemental Staffing provides a variety of ways you can work. Whether it's a full-time or part-time job or temporary assignments to work when you want to, we can help you find the right job to fit your needs and schedule.
The first step is to create an account with us! Next, please submit your resume to Once your account has been created and resume received, a Staffing Manager will reach out to you. Your profile information will also allow us to contact you to set up an interview. We encourage you to keep your profile and resume up-to-date to ensure the most accurate matching and best chance for selection.
It’s always your choice whether or not to accept an assignment. Once you accept an assignment though, we depend on you to complete it.
Assignments can last from four hours, to a few months even a few years. Some assignments develop into a full-time position. We will let you know the approximate length of the assignment before you accept it to make sure your availability is a match for the job requirements.
A temporary job assignment allows you to earn a paycheck while you explore career fields and gain new skills. Contacts you make on a temporary assignment can lead to a full-time position, future work and positive references.
According to the American Staffing Association, 80% of companies that use staffing services say staffing firms offer them a good way to find new employees. And, 77% of employees working through staffing companies say those jobs are a good way to find full-time employment.
While all job assignments and client companies are different, the average length of an individual temporary assignment with Supplemental Staffing is 16 weeks. Once you complete a job assignment, contact your Staffing Manager to be placed back on our list of available workers to be considered for future assignments.
While we can’t guarantee a specific number of hours, Supplemental Staffing employees average 37 hours per week. All job markets vary and number of hours will vary based on a client’s needs. According to the American Staffing Association, 79% of staffing employees work full-time hours. However, one of the benefits of working with a staffing firm is that you have more control to tailor how you work to your lifestyle.
One-quarter of all Supplemental Staffing employees come from referrals. We have a long history of helping our employee’s friends and families find good jobs, and we appreciate their referrals. Please check out our Referral Bonus Program here!
Please contact the Staffing Manager listed at the bottom of the job posting. Sometimes our positions fill quickly, or your resume and skills might not have been the best match for our clients’ needs. But don’t let that stop you. After you have applied, please be sure to check in with your Staffing Manager on a weekly basis.
Our employees are paid weekly by Supplemental staffing. Our pay schedule runs Monday through Sunday. You will receive your pay every Friday. Depending on whether you have signed up for direct deposit, this will either go directly to your bank account or to your PayCard. Direct placement employees are paid in accordance with our client’s payroll policies.
A PayCard is a prepaid card from rapid! PayCard, or essentially a debit card with an account attached to it that is exclusively for receiving, holding, and accessing your pay. Supplemental Staffing has switched from distributing checks to using PayCards to increase overall convenience and efficiency. Several advantages that come from the use of PayCards include:
For further questions about PayCards please refer to
To access and monitor your account please go to or download the mobile app for Apple at or Android at
Supplemental Staffing has a number of subsidiary companies. These subsidiaries are: Alternative Staffing, Malcolm C Richards Inc (MCR Inc), Management Staffing, Margaret R Richards Inc (MRR Inc), Imperial Inc, and Imperial Services.
To view your W2 on a mobile device, first log into our WebCenter on your smartphone, which can be found here:
After logging in, there will be a blue link to the "Desktop Version" at the bottom right of the portal, which you must follow to download your W2. With the desktop version open on your smartphone, you will be able to see a link that says "Manage W-2s" near the middle of your screen. Simply click that link, and you will be directed to a page where you can select the year for the W2 you would like to download. (Please note, if you worked at more than one place while working for Supplemental Staffing, you might have multiple W2s to download. Please check each employer in the dropdown for the appropriate W2s.)
All w2s are online. Please login to find it!
If you worked in multiple towns or on multiple assignments for Supplemental Staffing you will have multiple pages because only so many tax codes can show up on a W2 page. Yes, you need to print all pages of the W2s.
Pay day is always Friday - if your bank promises it to you earlier, then you may need to speak with your bank.
Instead of choosing dates or check number to view your paystubs, just leave the fields blank, and select "Lookup My Checks". This will show you all of your check history.
Did you log into your account or when you were on the employee screen did you choose ‘apply’? If you logged in, then give Supplemental Staffing a call 419-866-8367 so we can verify you are entering the correct username and password.
If you did not create an account before interviewing with us, we created one for you. Please call Supplemental Staffing 419-866-8367 and we can give you your user ID and password.
In your account you can print a copy of any and all checks (we do not print those reports anymore). You can either view all to print a wage statement or open any individual check to print your check stub (even if you originally had a paper check).
Those are all found under check history same as if you had a paper check.
Click on the "Login" button in our navigation (top-right of the page or in the footer) and sign in. (Contact us if you do not have a login.) From here, you can do a lot: check yourself in as available for a job, submit timesheets, submit your resume, and much more! Please refer to
Our attendance rules are as follows:
You are expected to follow all Supplemental Staffing and client policies while on assignment.
It is the policy of Supplemental Staffing pursuant to applicable provisions of State and Federal law, to make all decisions regarding recruitment, hiring, promotions, compensation and all other terms and conditions of employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or ancestry. It is the policy of Supplemental Staffing pursuant to applicable provisions of State and Federal law, to provide services to the public without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, ancestry or ability to pay. No person shall be denied services or shall receive disparate treatment in the rendering of services on such basis. Supplemental Staffing/Imperial will maintain a program of affirmative action in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. This program will be conducted to ensure that every effort is made to employ and advance qualified individuals without regard to race, color, national origin, sex or disability. The procedure for employment discrimination complaints are as follows:
Throughout this procedure, the complainant and all witnesses are free from any reprisal. WI 4002
The purpose of this policy is to set forth procedures to be followed by all employees so that Supplemental Staffing/Imperial is in compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and to ensure that the highest quality of services is delivered to our community. The use, sale, purchase, manufacture, transfer, possession or being under the influence or alcohol/drugs is prohibited while performing service for Supplemental Staffing or while on Supplemental Staffing premises. "Alcohol" means any beverage or substance containing alcohol or other legal intoxicant.
"Under the influence" means the employee is affected or impaired by an alcohol or illegal drug or the combination of an illegal drug and alcohol in any detectable manner.
"Drug" is any narcotic, controlled substance, drug or drug-like substance which is (a) not legally obtainable, (b) obtainable but which has not been legally obtained. The term includes legal drugs (i.e. prescribed maintenance drugs, dosage drugs, and over-the-counter drugs) which are not being used for prescribed purposes.
"Workplace Supplemental Staffing premises" includes all buildings, vehicles when on Supplemental Staffing business, facilities, community sites, etc. at which Supplemental Staffing services are delivered.
As a condition of employment, employees will abide by the terms of this policy. Employees will review this policy during employee orientation, and receipt of the review will be documented in the personnel file. Alcohol/drug abuse in the workplace will warrant disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any employee, who is convicted of any criminal drug violation, will notify his/her supervisor in writing no later than five (5) calendar days after such conviction. In addition, within five (5) working days of the conviction notice, the executive or designee, will initiate disciplinary action and/or require the employee to participate in an approved assistance and/or drug rehabilitation program.
Reasonable cause testing
Each employee shall be tested when there is reasonable cause to believe the employee is using controlled substances (i.e., observed behavior or involvement in an on-the-job accident or incident). Supervisors who suspect an individual of using controlled substances shall consult with the appropriate representative for the possible detection of symptoms of controlled substance abuse. The supervisor shall also obtain approval for testing from employee before obtaining any blood or urine samples from the suspected employee.
Post-accident testing
As soon as possible (but no later than 8 hours) after an accident reportable under relevant government regulations, each employee whose performance either contributed to the accident or who cannot be completely discounted as a contributing factor to the accident may be tested for controlled substances, depending on the circumstances.
Testing procedure
The collection, shipment, chain of custody, and retention procedures for blood, urine, or saliva samples shall be in accordance with the procedures established by the applicable government agencies. In addition, all employee records relating to tests for controlled substances shall also be maintained in accordance with government regulations. WI 4001
Supplemental Staffing is committed to maintaining a workplace free of sexual, racial and other forms of harassment and intimidation. For purposes of this policy, harassment is defined as unwelcome or unwanted conduct of an offensive nature (whether verbal, visual or physical). Supervisors need to be alert to any harassment and responsible for maintaining a workplace free of harassment. Supervisors are responsible for informing employees of the provisions of this policy. Any employee who is harassed can contact the EEO Officer. Any employee can make an informal or formal complaint to the EEO Officer. Any employee who has knowledge of harassment should report it to the EEO Officer. If a supervisor is informed of an incident, the supervisor should call the EEO Officer. Victims and witnesses are protected from reprisals. Any employee who has engaged in harassment will be subject to a disciplinary action up to and including discharge. WI 4003
All property is to be utilized for Supplemental Staffing business or the client’s business only. Personal use of the property is considered theft and will not be tolerated. This includes, but not limited to, copiers, computers, telephones, other equipment, office supplies, and inventory at the client’s locations, and personal phone calls by employees. Falsifying records will be considered theft of property. Any time sheets are to be completed using actual work time. Recording time in excess of time worked is considered theft/fraud. An employee who violates the terms of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. In the instance of theft/fraud, Supplemental Staffing shall consider the seriousness of the employee's violation, whether the violation has a direct and substantial relationship to the employee's position, and the employee's past record of employment in determining what action to take. Supplemental Staffing reserves the right to prosecute violators of this policy in addition to taking disciplinary action. WI 4004
Supplemental Staffing wants to create a safe working environment for our employees and customers by prohibiting the possession and/or use of weapons in the workplace. Employees of Supplemental Staffing are its most valuable resource and for that reason, their health and safety is of paramount concern. Supplemental Staffing will not tolerate any weapon possession or use.
Persons subject to the terms of this policy are as follows:
This policy prohibits possession and/or use of prohibited weapons at any time during working hours, on Company property, in any facility maintained/serviced by Supplemental Staffing, and/or in Company-supplied vehicles, even though such vehicles are not on Supplemental Staffing property. Prohibited weapons include any form of weapon and any form of explosive restricted under local, state or federal regulation. This includes all firearms, illegal knives or other weapons/ordinances as dictated by Ohio Revised Code Section 2923.17. If you have a question about whether an item is covered by this policy, please call the Staffing Manager. You will be held responsible for making sure beforehand that any potentially covered item you possess is not prohibited by this policy. Supplemental Staffing property covered by this policy includes, without limitation, all jobsites, any facility maintained or serviced by Supplemental Staffing/Imperial, and all Company owned or leased buildings. Furthermore, Supplemental Staffing property covered by this policy includes all surrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways, and parking lots (whether or not under Supplemental Staffing/Imperial’s ownership or control). Company vehicles are covered by this policy at all times regardless of whether they are on Company property at the time. WI 4039
It is your responsibility to turn in your timecards to on a weekly basis every Monday by noon.
Supplemental Staffing is concerned about your health and safety. You need to be pro-active with safety, as you may work in places where common accidents may occur. Please review the safety reminders below:
We offer flexibility for client specified requests through innovative thinking and attention to detail. Our staff is trained to ensure that all of your needs are heard, understood, and that the solutions agreed upon and met. They are held accountable to meet your needs through our policies and procedures which are audited by the standards of ISO. The ISO Certification requires Supplemental Staffing to inspect all of our procedures through semi-annual audits (both internal and external) and correct any situation that does not meet the highest standards. All of our internal staff are trained and audited on our quality procedures to ensure that our clients are receiving great service consistently.
We strongly value Equality here at Supplemental Staffing. We believe that businesses can be powerful platforms for social change and that our higher purpose is to drive Equality for all. Creating a culture of Equality isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s also the smart thing. Diverse companies are more innovative and better positioned to succeed. We strive to create workplaces that reflect the community we serve and where everyone feels empowered to bring their full, authentic selves to work. There is more work to be done, but with the help of our employees, customers, partners, vendors, and community, we can achieve Equality for all.
Toledo, OH:
5333 Southwyck Blvd Toledo, OH 43614
Call or Text: 419.866.8367 | After Hours: 866.894.8567
Brownstown, MI:
18412 Telegraph Rd, Ste B Brownstown, MI 48174
Call or Text: 734.374.8367 After Hours: 888.539.1532
Bowling Green, OH:
1616 E. Wooster St #7 Bowling Green, OH 43402
Call or Text: 419.353.8367 After Hours: 888.248.8475